Restoring a vintage engine for the MS Tonne

Ship technology and engine parts from 1960

Captain Reinhard Schwarz welcomes his guests with a casual but warm “Moin, Moin”, which is kind of the trademark greeting of Hamburg, to the historic passenger ship “MS Tonne”. In 2007, the boat enthusiast purchased the brightly white and blue painted ship that can look back on a checkered history. Built in 1960 as “Tonndorf” at the shipyard of Sietas in Hamburg, it was used as a ferry on the river Elbe first and later became a colorful ship for kids and a bright red advertising steamer.
After it was sold to captain Schwarz, the ship – from now on known as MS Tonne – had a thorough overhaul. Today, captain Schwarz uses his ship for harbor tours and as an atmospheric event location.
One of the attractions on board the vessel is a visit of the engine room and a look inside the beating heart of the historic ship. Special highlight: the guests are able to look deep inside the MaK diesel engine and watch the pistons in action. All of it is perfectly illuminated thanks to LEDs in changeable colors.
In order to make that happen, captain Schwarz tasked KURIOS to replace the 50-year old machine covers (side covers) made of cast metal with transparent plastic and to install LED strips. The captain trusted in KURIOS’ experience as an expert in manufacturing individualized products.

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Laser Cutting

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Our HSC milling machines process plastics (e.g. acrylic glass) of up to 40 mm thickness without any problem whatsoever.

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When choosing the material, KURIOS decided to use acrylic glass based on its positive properties. Acrylic glass is transparent, resistant to machine oil, and is perfectly processable with milling technology.
Measuring the dimensions turned out to be quite challenging. The only basis for measurement we had were the more than five decades old non-standard metal covers with age-related wear marks. None of the side covers were alike!
Thanks to experienced project management and engineering expertise, we were able to develop a precisely fitting solution. For the optimal processing result of the up to 400 mm x 600 mm large side covers, we used acrylic glass blocks that were up to 40 mm thick and processed them on latest milling systems from more than one sides. Professional tempering of components prevents any stress cracks and final hand polishing of milled surfaces perfects the already superb result. Feel free to come aboard the MS Tonne and be fascinated by the historic engine’s power.
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